










  • 厂家名称:上海凡而阀门有限公司
  • 经营模式:生产厂家(已认证)
  • 联系人   :苏生
  • 联系方式:139**** **** 登录可见
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进口气液混合式自吸泵 Product description:


Due to the special structure of the self-priming pump body, after the pump stops, there is a certain amount of water in the pump body. After the pump is started again, due to the rotation of the impeller, the air and water in the suction pipe are fully mixed and discharged to the gas water separation chamber. The gas in the upper part of the gas water separation chamber overflows, and the water in the lower part returns to the impeller. The water is mixed with the remaining air in the suction pipe again until the gas in the pump and suction pipe is completely discharged and the self-priming is completed, Pump water normally.


进口气液混合式自吸泵 The water ring wheel self-priming pump combines the water ring wheel and the pump impeller in a shell, and discharges the gas with the help of the water ring wheel to achieve self-priming. When the pump works normally, the passage of the water ring wheel and the pump impeller can be cut off through the valve, and the liquid in the water ring wheel can be discharged.


The jet self-priming pump is composed of a centrifugal pump and a jet pump (or an ejector). Depending on the jet device, vacuum is created at the nozzle to achieve suction.


The self-priming height of the fluoroplastic self-priming pump is related to the factors such as the sealing clearance in front of the impeller, the number of revolutions of the pump, the liquid level height of the separation chamber, etc. The smaller the seal clearance in front of the impeller, the greater the self-priming height, generally 0.3~0.5mm; When the clearance increases, the head and efficiency of the pump decrease except the self-priming height. The self-priming height of the pump increases with the increase of the circumferential speed u2 of the impeller, but at the maximum self-priming height, the number of revolutions increases and the self-priming height no longer increases, at this time, the self-priming time is only shortened.


When the number of revolutions decreases, the self-priming height decreases. Under other conditions, the self-priming height also increases with the increase of water storage height (but it cannot exceed the optimal water storage height of the separation chamber). In order to better mix the air and water in the self-priming pump, the blades of the impeller must be less to increase the pitch of the cascade; The semi open impeller (or the impeller with wider impeller channel) should be used to facilitate the return water to penetrate into the impeller cascade.(仅供参考)

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