










  • 厂家名称:上海凡而阀门有限公司
  • 经营模式:生产厂家(已认证)
  • 联系人   :苏生
  • 联系方式:139**** **** 登录可见
  • 联系时请一定说明在找泵网看到


进口螺杆泵Product description:


The reasons for insufficient flow are as follows:


1. It may be that the motor of the screw pump is wrongly wired, which causes the motor to rotate in the wrong direction. The reason why the screw pump has no flow is probably due to the motor's reverse rotation. It can be solved by rewiring and changing any two wires


2. 进口螺杆泵The reason why there is no flow of the screw pump may also be that the user reverses the direction of the inlet and outlet during installation, connects the inlet of the screw pump to the outlet pipe, and connects the outlet of the screw pump to the inlet pipe, so there is no flow of the screw pump


3. The screw pump can not deliver due to the reason that the medium viscosity is too high, so the screw pump has no flow or the flow of the screw pump is not enough. In this case, you can reduce the speed of the screw pump and select a larger screw pump product, or heat the pump body to reduce the medium viscosity


4. Since the diameter of the installed inlet pipe is thicker than that of the pump inlet, and the liquid level is lower than that of the pump, the liquid cannot be sucked up, which is also the reason why the screw pump has no flow. In this case, the standard inlet pipe should be replaced to fill the pump and the inlet pipe with liquid


5. The reason for insufficient flow of the screw pump may be that the rubber sleeve of the screw pump is worn or corroded, which will lead to insufficient flow of the screw pump. It can be solved by replacing a suitable new rubber sleeve


6. The filter screen is blocked or the flow passage of part of the screw pump rotor is blocked by large particles of impurities, which may also be the cause of insufficient flow of the screw pump. Removing the blocked impurities can solve the problem


7. Since the speed regulating screw pump is used, the user has adjusted the speed too low during use, which is lower than the specified value. This is one of the reasons why the flow of the screw pump is not enough. Re adjusting the speed can solve the problem(仅供参考)

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