










  • 厂家名称:上海凡而阀门有限公司
  • 经营模式:生产厂家(已认证)
  • 联系人   :苏生
  • 联系方式:139**** **** 登录可见
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进口石英砂过滤器Product description:


It is to filter the water to be filtered through the filter layer after being boosted by the pump, so it is also called pressure filter. It can be divided into single flow mechanical filter and double flow mechanical filter according to water inlet mode. The water flow direction of the former is from top to bottom, while that of the latter is from top to bottom. According to the filling condition of filter materials, it can also be divided into single-layer filter material mechanical filter and double-layer (multi-layer) mechanical filter. Quartz sand filtration can be used for ion exchange softening, pretreatment of desalination system, and pre filtration of reverse osmosis device; Filtration treatment of domestic and industrial sewage and wastewater, as well as coarse filtration of industrial water supply with low water quality requirements and filtration of swimming pool water,


进口石英砂过滤器working principle


Filter materials with different particle sizes are compacted and arranged in the cylinder of quartz sand filter from bottom to top. When the water flows through the filter layer from top to bottom, the suspended substances in the water flow into the micro pores formed by the upper filter material, which are trapped by the surface of the filter material due to adsorption and mechanical blocking. At the same time, these intercepted suspended solids have "overlapping" and "bridging" effects, forming a film on the surface of the filter layer, and continue to filter. This is the so-called membrane filtration effect of the filter material surface. This membrane filtration effect not only exists in the surface layer, but also occurs when water flows into the intermediate filter material layer. Different from the membrane filtration effect of the surface layer, this intermediate interception effect is called osmotic filtration.


In addition, because the filter materials are closely arranged with each other, the suspended solids in the water flow through the curve formed by the filter material particles


When the duct is curved, there will be more opportunities and time to collide and contact with the surface of the filter material, so the suspended solids in the water will flocculate and adhere to the particle surface of the red filter material, causing contact coagulation






1. Reasonable structure and large space: the water distribution plate is set in the head of the filter, which effectively increases the water purification space without affecting the uniform water distribution.


2. Water distribution without material leakage: in order to prevent material leakage, water distribution boards are set for the inlet and outlet of the filter, and water is installed


The cap and water distribution shall be uniform without leakage of filter material.


3. Internal and external anti-corrosion is not polluted: the inside and outside of the filter tank shall be subject to anti-corrosion treatment to prevent secondary pollution of water quality.


4. It is easy to use and maintain: the filter is provided with a manhole to enter the tank for maintenance; The filter cap can be replaced in the tank without dismantling the pipe.


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