










  • 厂家名称:上海凡而阀门有限公司
  • 经营模式:生产厂家(已认证)
  • 联系人   :苏生
  • 联系方式:139**** **** 登录可见
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进口浆液型电磁流量计Product description:


Based on Faraday's electromagnetic induction law, it is an inductive instrument used to measure the volume flow of liquids. It can be used to measure the volume flow of corrosive liquids such as strong acids and alkalis. It is widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy and other fields.




When there is a lot of scale and other impurities accumulated in the measuring catheter, when cleaning the scale and other impurities, first take out the cover, open the liquid injection hole, inject electrolyte into the measuring catheter through the liquid injection hole, the electrolyte will soak the scale and other impurities, drive the cleaning ring to rotate through the drive component, the cleaning ring will move the cleaning pieces, the cleaning pieces will brush off the impurities on the inner wall of the measuring catheter, and then deliver water to the measuring catheter, Flush impurities such as scale out of the measuring pipe, so as to successfully clean impurities such as scale in the measuring pipe, reduce the possibility of impurities such as scale accumulating in the measuring pipe, and improve the measurement accuracy of slurry volume flow.




The side wall of the measuring catheter is penetrated with a liquid injection hole for electrolyte injection, the converter is located between the drive component and the liquid injection hole, the liquid injection hole is inserted with a cover, the outer wall of the cover conflicts with the hole wall of the liquid injection hole, and the walls of the measuring catheter opposite to both ends are welded with connecting flanges; When measuring the volume flow of the slurry, the measuring pipe is connected to the pipe conveying the slurry through the connecting flange. When the slurry passes through the measuring pipe, the converter displays the volume flow of the slurry passing through the measuring pipe in real time; When impurities such as scale in the slurry gradually attach to the inner wall of the measuring catheter and continue to accumulate, take out the cover, open the liquid injection hole, and inject electrolyte into the measuring catheter through the liquid injection hole. The electrolyte soaks impurities such as scale attached to the measuring catheter, and then drives the cleaning ring to rotate through the drive component. The cleaning ring moves the cleaning piece to clean impurities such as scale on the inner wall of the measuring catheter, This can reduce the possibility of impurities such as scale remaining on the inner wall of the measuring pipe, and is conducive to improving the measurement accuracy of slurry volume flow measurement.


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