










  • 厂家名称:上海凡而阀门有限公司
  • 经营模式:生产厂家(已认证)
  • 联系人   :苏生
  • 联系方式:139**** **** 登录可见
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进口工地除尘雾炮机Product description:


The dust and mist removing gun includes a water tank, a fan, a spray tank, an atomizing nozzle, and a high-pressure water pump. A bracket and a high-pressure water pump are installed on the upper part of the water tank. A spray tank is installed on the upper part of the bracket. The spray tank is in a horn shape. An atomizing nozzle is installed inside the spray tank. The atomizing nozzle is connected to the high-pressure water pump through a pipe. A fan is installed at the rear of the spray tank. The atomizing nozzle is evenly arranged around the inner side of the spray tank. There are no less than 15 atomizing nozzles, In general, the utility model has the advantages of simple structure, simple operation and good dedusting effect.




With the increase of various construction sites and old city reconstruction sites, a large amount of dust generated has led to the decline of urban air quality. According to statistics, fugitive dust from various construction sites has accounted for more than half of the total particulate matter in air pollutants, especially more than 70% of PM10 is caused by fugitive dust from construction sites. Due to management, construction and technical reasons, although the relevant government departments have also introduced mandatory measures to control this phenomenon, the effect is not satisfactory. The main reason is that the construction site is too extensive to carry out effective monitoring. The traditional sprinkler spray, flushing and other methods are costly, waste water resources, inefficient, and can only be used for a small range of the site gate.


working principle:


When in use: a dust and fog removing gun for construction site, including a water tank, a fan, a spray tank, an atomizing nozzle, and a high-pressure water pump. The high-pressure water pump is installed on the upper part of the water tank. A bracket is also installed on the upper part of the water tank. A horn shaped spray tank is installed on the bracket. At least 15 atomizing nozzles are installed inside the spray tank. A fan is installed at the rear of the spray tank. When in use, first turn on the switch of the high-pressure water pump, the high-pressure water pump pumps water from the water tank, and then the water is pumped to the atomizing nozzle. After being atomized by the atomizing nozzle, the water is sprayed into the spray tank. After half a minute, turn on the fan, and the fan will spray the water mist in the spray tank outward to achieve the purpose of dust reduction and humidification.


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