










  • 厂家名称:上海凡而阀门有限公司
  • 经营模式:生产厂家(已认证)
  • 联系人   :苏生
  • 联系方式:139**** **** 登录可见
  • 联系时请一定说明在找泵网看到


进口高吸程强自吸泵Product Description:


The power input end of the centrifugal pump is connected with the main motor; Insert the end of the inlet pipeline of the centrifugal pump into the liquid pool, connect the pneumatic submersible pump at the end of the inlet pipeline, and connect the pneumatic submersible pump to the air source through the vacuum solenoid valve; A liquid level float switch is arranged at the inlet pipeline near the centrifugal pump; The control cables of the main motor, vacuum solenoid valve and liquid level float switch are respectively connected with the electric control cabinet through the junction box of the self-priming device. The synchronous high suction and strong self-priming pump directly delivers the medium to the pump cavity through the pneumatic submersible pump, and starts the motor of the centrifugal pump through the liquid level float switch in the liquid level float tank. The self-priming time is short, and it can be raised to any height theoretically. Not only the working efficiency is high, but also the pneumatic submersible pump is explosion-proof because it uses air as the power source, and the unattended automation purpose is achieved through the automatic control system.


进口高吸程强自吸泵Structure principle:


Lengthen the centrifugal pump shaft, drive the suction and exhaust mechanism arranged at the bearing box by its own pump shaft, and connect the suction and exhaust mechanism with the pump suction pipe with a plastic hose. Turn on the power supply, the suction and exhaust mechanism will discharge the gas in the suction pipe and pump housing, the medium will be sucked into the pump cavity, and then the suction and exhaust mechanism will be separated from the high-speed rotating pump shaft to stop the suction and exhaust, and the outlet valve will be adjusted to make the pump run.




The power input end of the centrifugal pump is connected with the main motor; Insert the end of the inlet pipeline of the centrifugal pump into the liquid pool, connect the pneumatic submersible pump at the end of the inlet pipeline, and connect the pneumatic submersible pump to the air source through the vacuum solenoid valve; A liquid level float switch is arranged at the inlet pipeline near the centrifugal pump; The control cables of the main motor, vacuum solenoid valve and liquid level float switch are respectively connected with the electric control cabinet through the junction box of the self-priming device.


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