










  • 厂家名称:上海凡而阀门有限公司
  • 经营模式:生产厂家(已认证)
  • 联系人   :苏生
  • 联系方式:139**** **** 登录可见
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进口高耐压循环泵Its characteristics:


The circulating pump comprises a pump body, a liquid inlet arranged at the bottom of the pump body, a liquid outlet arranged at the top of the pump body, and a circulating device connected with the liquid inlet and the liquid outlet and arranged inside the pump body; The circulating device includes a magnetic rotor, a high pressure magnetic rotor chamber placed inside the magnetic rotor, a screw rod connected with the high pressure magnetic rotor chamber, left and right liquid guide plates on both sides of the screw rod, a left liquid guide plate of the screw rod connected with the liquid outlet, and a right liquid guide plate of the screw rod connected with the liquid inlet. The high pressure circulating pump adopts spiral rod, which circulates through the propelling action of the screw. It has strong adaptability to fluids, and can work normally in viscous fluids or fluid environments containing suspended solids and particles, and can be used in fluid environments containing suspended solids or particles.




The circulating device comprises a magnetic rotor, a spiral rod which is arranged inside the magnetic rotor and connected with the high-pressure magnetic rotor chamber, a left and right liquid guide plates which are arranged on both sides of the spiral rod, a left part of the spiral rod and a left liquid guide plate which are connected with the liquid outlet, and a right part of the spiral rod and a right liquid guide plate which are connected with the liquid inlet. The spiral rod is a single head spiral rod or a multi head spiral rod.




The high pressure circulating pump adopts spiral rod, which circulates through the propelling action of the screw. It has strong adaptability to fluids, and can work normally in viscous fluids or fluid environments containing suspended solids and particles, and can be used in fluid environments containing suspended solids or particles. It is suitable for fluid circulation under high pressure. It can also be used at high temperatures up to 100 ,


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