










  • 厂家名称:上海凡而阀门有限公司
  • 经营模式:生产厂家(已认证)
  • 联系人   :苏生
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进口多级双切割潜污泵Product Description: The product includes submersible motor and sewage suction section, which is characterized in that it also includes primary cutting part and secondary or multistage cutting part; The submersible motor is arranged at the lower part of the multi-stage sewage pump; The primary cutting part comprises a pump body, a primary cutting disc, a primary combined impeller and a primary guide vane; The two-stage or multi-stage cutting part includes a cutting disc, a two-stage or multi-stage axial cutting impeller and a shroud. The shaft of the submersible motor passes through the sewage suction section and is directly connected with the primary impeller and the two-stage or multi-stage axial cutting impeller. The utility model is a submersible sewage pump which is composed of a strong crushing combined impeller to crush dirt and a multistage impeller which is crushed and lifted step by step. When the submersible motor is running, the multi-stage double cutting submersible sewage pump can automatically guide and cut the sewage in the sewage pit into pieces, and then transport it to the required height after crushing by the subsequent two-stage (or multi-stage) impeller and discharge it from the water outlet. 进口多级双切割潜污泵characteristic: Multistage submersible sewage pump means that the submersible sewage pump is a submersible sewage pump with two or more stages. Double cutting means that after the sewage water enters the pump, the pump is equipped with a radial strong cutting blade auxiliary impeller and an axial blade cutting auxiliary impeller, which are correspondingly fastened into a combined double cutting impeller through one side and two pins. After the sewage water enters the submersible sewage pump through the sewage suction section, it is strongly cut into pieces by the blade body of the diameter and shaft impeller of the primary sewage pump and the matched primary cutting disc. After being finely cut step by step by the secondary (or multistage) sewage pump, it is lifted to the high lift required by the user and meets the sewage discharge requirements. Principle: Multistage cutting part; The submersible motor is arranged at the lower part of the multi-stage sewage pump; The primary cutting part comprises a pump body, a primary cutting disc, a primary combined impeller and a primary guide vane; The two-stage or multi-stage cutting part comprises a cutting disc,进口多级双切割潜污泵 a two-stage or multi-stage axial cutting impeller and a shroud. The shaft of the submersible motor passes through the sewage suction section and is directly connected with the primary impeller and the two-stage or multi-stage axial cutting impeller; The primary cutting disc is installed on the sewage suction section; The primary impeller is a combined impeller, which is composed of a radial impeller and an axial impeller. The radial and axial cutting blades of the combined impeller cooperate with the radial and axial cutting blades of the corresponding cutting disc to form a cutting pair for strongly chopping dirt. There are only radial impellers with the same impeller at two or more levels, which are paired with the cutting disc to further refine the shredded dirt and gradually increase the water head of dirt; The axial impeller is made of extra hard alloy steel.


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